- Young Mangrove Charcoal
- Big Lump Mangrove Charcoal
- Briquette and Fruit Tree Charcoal
- Shisha-Hookah Charcoal

Mangrove Lump/Wood was put into Charcoal Kilns more than 50-100 Metric tons at a time to be burned at temperature more than 450c for 15 days. The idea is to create a slow burning; relatively low temperature burn by limiting the amount of oxygen entering into the charcoal kiln. The wood is fired in the absence of air. Thus, we have to close all four sides of Charcoal Kilns in order to make sure that the heat is enough to burn all part of wood completely and there is no air pollution that may affect to environment.
After Mangrove Lump/Wood was completely burned inside the Charcoal Kilns for 15 days, we shall leave all material inside for another 15 days to make sure that all materials are absolutely cool down at desired temperature with no sparking.
The most important thing for making charcoal is the way to make Mangrove Lump/Wood cool down by not using the water. This issue is as important as to the way of heating charcoal. Even though, water can make fast stopping and producing of Charcoal to the commercial market quickly but there are many reasons support; the first reason is that water can make high moisture to be absorbed in the material and the second reason that is the aftermath of water can make it becomes difficult to heat it up when you want to use it.
Therefore, the best ways of producing Charcoal at higher quality is depend on many issues but of course the duration is the most important factor.
In fact, there are many kinds of material that can be made of Charcoal but we use Mangrove Lump/Wood that is imported from Myanmar. Our Mangrove Lump/Wood has age less than 3 years and between 5 to 10 years and we also replant Mangrove every year to make sure that it will be impossible of lacking the material one day in future.
Our factory can provide both Young Mangrove Charcoal; diameter between 2.5 cms to 6 cms and Big Lump Mangrove Charcoal; diameter more than 3 inches, which have cutting size differences depend upon customer requests.
Young Mangrove Charcoal ; it has diameter between 2.50 – 6.00 cms.
Super Kachi A1 ; 8 inches long | Grade A2 ; 4-6 inches long | Grade A3 ;1-4 inches |