Amazing Thai Fruits
อัพเดทเมื่อ : 01 ธันวาคม 2566








Another Thai fruit known for its size - but more so for its smell - is Durian and this comes into season from May to July. On Samui it is difficult to escape durian as the mountains are rife with durian orchards and the island has already gained a reputation for growing some of the best durian in the country. The fruit is extremely rich and nutritious although it should not be consumed with alcohol as this causes the body to dangerously overheat.
Papaya is another fruit with a curious taste and most people squeeze a bit of lime over it to help counter the bitter flavour. Known in Thai as malagar, papaya contains lots of vitamin C and is easily identified by its dark-green skin and its deep-orange flesh. Papaya is also a good food to help settle an upset stomach because it contains a natural digestive enzyme.

Pomelo (som-oh) is also available throughout the year and resembles a grapefruit in both looks and flavour. The skin of the pomelo is so thick that about half the weight of the fruit is discarded by the time the inside fruit is reached. This fruit, like a grapefruit, is made up of hundreds of individual capsules bursting with a juicy vibrant flavour. Som-oh is found in many Thai salads most notably those from northern Thailand.

Noi na or custard apple practically grows wild on Ko Samui. The bulbous skin of the apple is easily broken open to reveal a creamy white inside fruit concealing numerous black pips. The flavour is a cross between pineapple and fresh strawberries.

Chom-phoo or rose apple is a succulent and crisp fruit and is eaten in much the same way as a regular apple. The fruit gets its name from the delicate rose fragrance that emerges when eaten. Originally from India, the rose apple always has three seeds inside.
La-mood or sapodilla has earned a special place in the hearts of most Thais and the rich, dense fruit tastes like brown sugar and figs.
Ma-karm or tamarind is another Thai favorite. It looks like an overgrown green bean and is usually used to make delicious sauces.
Farang or guava is best eaten when young. The locals jazz this fruit up by dipping it into a sugar and red chilli mix. Its eaten skin and all.

Ma Phrao或椰子。许多人认为苏梅岛的意思是椰子岛,这很容易理解,因为该岛实际上覆盖着数十万棵椰子树,创造了“出口”。每月销售超过 2,000,000 个椰子。椰子大约需要六个月才能成熟。绿色椰子含有甜美、清爽的水状液体和一层薄薄的果冻状美味椰子皮。
